Alumni News
Alumni News
add remove 特雷西·华莱士·雷德芬, 2002
特雷西·华莱士·雷德芬, Class of 2002, is the founder and CEO of Child and Family Resource Center and Foundation.
该中心为哈茨维尔社区和南卡罗来纳州的儿童及其家庭提供教育支持和心理健康服务. 他们的主要目的是教育, evaluate, address, coordinate, and provide resources to all children and families who come to them. 该中心提供检测和宣传等服务, 课后活动, 家长支援小组, 全年为孩子们提供夏令营和私人咨询.
他们的目标是确保所有的孩子都有一个坚实的基础,并拥有在学校和生活中取得成功所需的死记硬背的技能,这可以通过让他们的家庭从悲伤中恢复过来来实现, 日常生活中的创伤和损失.
The Child & 家庭资源中心与赌博游戏网站合作,赌博游戏网站提供执业护士和临床协调员,与儿童和家庭资源临床医生合作,改善达灵顿县儿童的健康和心理健康.
add remove LiAsia Tillman, 2020
莉亚亚·蒂尔曼(alicia Tillman)通过建立precision by Patch,开始了一场变革企业处理管理任务的旅程.
他的愿望是减轻其他企业家平凡却重要的工作负担, Tillman set out to offer a unique service tailored to the needs of small businesses.
她的愿景简单而深刻:成为企业的虚拟“谷歌”, 有效地处理从数据输入到精确细致地设置QuickBooks的任务.
我开始创业是因为我想帮助那些已经有了生意的人,他们不想做简单的工作. 通过简单的任务, 我指的是数据输入, 按特定顺序归档, 制作电子表格, documents, invoices, 甚至建立了QuickBooks. 如果有人要求提供特定的文件或文件, I can work with minimal clues to figure out precisely what they need. 我觉得自己像“谷歌”. We tell Google what we are looking for as it pulls up all the needed options. That is what I offer other businesses that do not necessarily need a secretary; they just need someone to get them started or fix a few things that may have gotten out of hand.是什么让你的企业在市场中脱颖而出?
我和其他公司的区别在于我所花的时间. 因为我们生活在一个一切都快节奏的世界, I take my time and look at the details to ensure I complete the job without missing anything. 如果我要建立一个有公式的电子表格, 我确保这些公式是有效的,并且是锁定的,这样就没有人会犯错误,弄乱电子表格.What challenges have you encountered along the way, and how have you overcome them?
我面临的唯一挑战是建立我的客户. People don’t understand precisely what I do, and they do not understand how I can help them.Is there any advice you’d like to share with students considering a similar path?
我会告诉他们永远不要放弃你的梦想. Even when it may seem difficult, remember you followed your passion for a reason. You could be ahead, but it gives you more time to perfect your work. -
add remove 布列塔尼·亨德森2012 & 2016
在经历了一场个人悲剧之后,她所在的社区缺乏优质的托儿服务, 布列塔尼·亨德森踏上了改变人生的道路.
Driven by a desire to fill a necessary need and armed with her experience, education, 对儿童保育的关注, she boldly decided to transition from a ten-year teaching career to a stay-at-home mom.
在这段反思的时间里, 小小宝藏托儿所的种子就这样播下了, 这让亨德森开始了创建一个托儿中心的旅程,这个托儿中心将满足并超越她所在地区家庭的期望.
“我创业的灵感来自于2020年1月,当时我孩子的日托所因董事/老板去世而关闭. I searched for a quality childcare center in our area and was unsuccessful. 2020年2月, I walked away from my 10-year public teaching career to stay at home with my two children. 作为一个全职妈妈, 我有一些额外的时间来思考一些事情,并意识到解决这个地区日托短缺的唯一方法就是自己开一家. 我受过教育,有经验,有动力为我们的社区提供迫切需要的东西。”.是什么让你的企业在市场中脱颖而出?
“I have a brand-new facility with state-of-the-art safety features, 有经验的照顾者,他们和我有相同的目标,那就是提供高质量的照顾, and I am also the highest licensed provider for children under 30 months of age in our area”.What challenges have you encountered along the way, and how have you overcome them?
“一路走来,我遇到了很多挑战. 很难让我们社区里的任何人有足够的信心给我们这么一大笔钱来建造这个设施. I was a stay-at-home mom with no income and my husband is a business owner. We knew it would work out if someone would just give us the opportunity to show them. And we are so thankful that Mutual Savings Bank saw something that no one else did. 当我们终于拿到贷款时,另一个重大挑战出现了, COVID hit and shut everything down so the progress we finally made was being pushed back. Honestly, it was all by the grace of God that we overcame those challenges. I had to keep telling myself that it was His timing, not mine. 这是绝对正确的!”Is there any advice you’d like to share with students considering a similar path?
“Some advice I would like to offer is that no matter how many people doubt you or tell you no, you can’t give up if it is truly something you are passionate about. 当你有机会每天改变孩子们的生活时,回报远远大于挑战!” -
add remove 斯科特·菲尔普斯,1998年
作为一名全职教师,斯科特·菲尔普斯利用他对教育的热情创办了“灯光下司机培训”. His primary motivation was to extend his role as an educator beyond the classroom, aiming to equip young drivers with essential skills while supplementing his income.
“我是一名全职教师,喜欢帮助学生. 为了继续帮助学生和补充收入,我开办了一家驾驶培训公司。”.是什么让你的企业在市场中脱颖而出?
“因为我是全职教师, 我每个月只能服务一小部分客户, 所以我的课是小班化的,个性化的.”What challenges have you encountered along the way, and how have you overcome them?
“成本上升, 特别是汽油和保险, have been a challenge as I try to balance the costs I pass on to the customers. 我正设法把价格保持在尽可能低的水平.”Is there any advice you’d like to share with students considering a similar path?
“Owning your own business can be challenging but very rewarding. Choosing a business that is a ‘need’ for customers is important. 一项“想要”的业务可能具有挑战性, especially in the inflated economy with so many people and families struggling to pay bills”.如欲了解更多有关驾驶训练,请浏览网页
add remove 达里安·洛夫,2017年
Darrian Love, 卡罗来纳大学学院的创始人, 旨在迎合学习者不同的教育需要. 从学院作为ESL学习者的支持系统的基础到其扩展到学术成功规划和教育指导, 卡罗来纳大学学院证明了爱的愿景,即提供全面的学术支持.
在这个问答系列中, 爱反映了他的事业背后的灵感, 其独特的产品, 一路上遇到的挑战, 以及对有抱负的企业家的宝贵建议.
My inspiration came from supporting all learners in their academic journey to success, no matter the language or the academic school program they attend, and from providing a place to receive extra intervention or enrichment.是什么让你的企业在市场中脱颖而出?
We offer a unique tutoring program that is not like your typical tutor. 其中一个我们称之为导师,学业成功技术人员. Our goal is to support learners in being successful in any subject. 我们利用一种诊断工具来收集学习者表现的基线,然后提供一个独特的个性化学术课程,为期几周,以衡量学术成长.What challenges have you encountered along the way, and how have you overcome them?
Most challenges I have encountered have been inhuman resources and accounting sectors. I do not have a background in payroll, billing, or onboarding contractors. However, I had to research it and find the best platforms that worked for me and my business. After discovering my solution, I used Square for my invoice system and payroll. I utilized Indeed to find potential contractors to bring onto my teams. 我仍然会不时地遇到挑战,只是我不知道答案, 但答案来自我给别人的建议。”.Is there any advice you’d like to share with students considering a similar path?
I encourage students who are considering a similar path to persevere. 你可以从经营企业中学到很多技能. 我从网络小组中学到了很多. 你可以与其他不熟悉的专业人士见面,在喝咖啡或Zoom会议上交谈,以交流最佳实践. Therefore, 我最大的建议是永远不要放弃和社交,因为其他企业主曾经是一张空白的画布, 他们的热情随着时间的推移而发展.Darrian Love’s entrepreneurial journey exemplifies the life-changing power of passion, perseverance, 以及商业上的适应性. 通过卡罗来纳大学学院, 爱解决了教育差距,促进了一个致力于学术成功和个人成长的社区.
To learn more about the Collegiate Academy of Carolina, please click here.
add remove 约翰·柯尼亚斯,1996年
由于COVID-19,我创办了棕榈州外部公司. I had 25 years’ experience in Sales Management and ran two brick plants. So, I knew the demand for corrective masonry staining and waterproofing. 这是我创业的动力. 实际上,这是由公司成为留置权所推动的.
让我们与众不同的是,我们可以通过添加Limewashing来实现我们的业务多样化, German Smears, 砌体清洁和屋面. 后来我开了一家名为Palmetto Thermal Coatings的公司,可以在任何建筑基材上使用,产品非常创新. It’s the same technology used on the space shuttle and nobody else has anything close.
What challenges have you encountered along the way and how have you overcome them?
There are many challenges that can be an issue and you have got to be patient. 快速增长意味着现金流问题. 劳动力资源并不可靠,所以如果有必要,我必须随时准备自己做这项工作. Lack of communication and correct information is a major setback. 我们克服这些问题的方法是诚实,并在开始之前确定工作范围. 我通过自己报价,让他们知道劳动力价格和这项工作需要多长时间,把工作的定价从劳动者手中夺走. The key is to do what you say you’re going to do and exceed the customer’s expectations. 我对待每一位顾客都像对待自己一样.
I use four principles when selling a job and or using a product:
1. 我问自己:“我是在解决问题吗?我将永远是客户的资源吗??意思是说要诚实,甚至辞职, 我可以给他们另一家可以解决问题的公司吗?
2. 总是接电话! 如果我正在开会,我会给他们发信息,说我一结束就给他们打电话. 开放的交流可以消除很多问题.
3. 环境、健康和产品赌博游戏网站是必不可少的. I never put anybody in a situation to get hurt or hurt the environment.
4. 我能赚钱吗?? 这并不意味着要贪婪,但要公平定价. 鹰总是被屠杀.